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Power House of Deliverance Garden Cathedral has been actively involved with the greater Greensboro community since 1968. Our ongoing outreach has created a buzz in the media, and we’re really excited to share all the latest updates with you. Check out some of our recent headlines to catch up on everything that is happening in our community.

Upcoming Events

Meet Our Pastor

Bishop William L. Washington

“Let no word fall to the ground,” the phrase that keeps Bishop W. L. Washington moving, motivated, and ministering as unto the Lord. Bishop Washington’s mantra is that of seeing the Kingdom of Christ built up, established, and producing good fruit, by not allowing any Word that comes from God fall to the ground. He is an innovator, a visionary, a leader, a shepherd, and a willing vessel of God that preaches, teaches, and lives out the Word of God. His unique and powerful message of faith and deliverance is preached with boldness and power, and touches the entire body of Christ. As we prepare for the future, Bishop Washington’s vision is to see the Kingdom of God established and operating at its fullest potential.

Bishop Washington gave his life to the Lord, under the J. H. Covington Gospel Tent, in Marion, South Carolina on July 31, 1967, and on the same day, was baptized at the hands of Bishop Abraham Benjamin Simmons. On August 7, 1967, he became a member of the Power House of Deliverance Church, under the pastorate of Bishop J. H. Covington, and has since a faithful member, totaling over 45 years.

Bishop Washington’s ministry reaches back to May of 1968, where he began winning souls through revivals, street meetings, conferences, workshops, and the saw dust trails of tent crusades with Bishop J. H. Covington, his father in the Lord. Bishop Washington cofounded “Youth on the Move for Christ International,” an interdenominational youth organization which he led along with Dr. L. Ramona Howard from 1973-1986. Through this non-denominational organization, Bishop Washington was able to inspire, encourage, direct, and train youth from church to church, and campus to campus, in and out of our nation with his great testimony of the love of Jesus Christ. Youth on the Move for Christ International effectively taught music and arts, how to work the altar, church administration, how to witness and win souls, was also active in prison ministry and worked to equip young people within the body of Christ.

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Let us know you’re out there! Contact Power House of Deliverance Garden Cathedral today.

1800 Willow Rd, Greensboro, NC 27401, USA

(336) 274-9924

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